Tuesday, June 2, 2009

BLAST FROM THE PAST: (1970) Charting Rates with Stephanie Bates

Someone on the SCListserv recently mentioned that a good intro to break the ice on using a Standard Celeration Chart as well as see how really easy it is to understand and use, would be the video slideshow Charting Rates With Stephanie Bates. For reference, Stephanie was five years old and was able to learn to use and record counted data on a chart.

Charting Rates with Stephanie Bates was adapted and updated by Scott Born from the 1970 slide show [demonstration by Stephanie, using a script she co-authored with her father, Lindsley grad student, Douglas Bates] It is really a fine job and lets us, almost 40 years later, experience what it was like to see the original slide program.

Charting Rates with Stephanie Bates can be found on the Tutorials page of Behavior Research Company, the company founded by Ogden R. Lindsley, Ph.D. (1922-2004) and source of the original Standard Celerations Charts.

Standard Celeration Charting...easy enough for a child to do and
easy enough for you to as well.


Bates, S., & Bates, D. F. (1971). ... and a child shall lead them:Stephanie's chart story. TEACHING Exceptional Children, 3, 111-113., in, TEACHING Exceptional Children, Selected Reprints from Spring 1971. Reprinted in 1975.

Ogden R. Lindsley (1922-2004)
Mini-biography at the Precision Teaching Hub and wiki
Bates, Douglas F. (1971). School-wide implementation of precision teaching . Unpublished Ph.D. dissertation. University of Kansas, Lawrence, KS. Ogden R. Lindsley student [ DAI, 32, no. 10A, (1971): 5485 ] .Proquest Express: 721172
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