Friday, January 29, 2010

A New Precision Teacher in the Blogsphere

I think there's a new convert to Precision Teaching out in the blogsphere (smile).

Jennie at Nurture A Reader recently posted a complimentary blog post on how timing and charting, and using the chart to make informed instructional decisions is improving learning for her students, and "empowering" her - that's excellent news.

(And, by the way - Nurture A Reader was a great discovery, with interesting posts and a useful set of links and resources on teaching reading. Check it out.)

Wednesday, January 27, 2010
Nurture A Reader
Timed Drills
"I used to think that DRILLING and TIMING was NUTS. . . ."
There's also an earlier post on an article by Rick Kubina and Clay Starlin which was published in the European Journal of Behavior Analysis, 4( 1&2).
Thursday, January 7, 2010
Nurture A Reader
Precision Teaching and Reading Instruction

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